Welcome to The Moose Roost, where you can roost, too!

The Moose Roost, bakery and coffee shop, is NOW OPEN for business! Specializing in fresh baked treats, we are open 6: am to 2: pm, Monday through Friday.  We offer a lunch special each day until 2 P.M.
We have been known to sell out of our home fresh goodness before closing, but come on in anyway, we still have that popular RoundHouse Coffee, just the way you like it! 

The Moose Roost is also home to several unique enterprises, featuring a marketing and design firm, specializing in the distribution of Roundhouse Coffees which benefit the Hugo Roundhouse restoration project. You can learn more, by visiting  www.roundhousecoffees.com. Whistlestop Marketing came up with the name for the coffee, and is responsible for designing and producing all of the packaging! There are plans for future endeavors, like a meeting area for special gatherings, makeup, eye essentials and skin care, and a regional artisans gallery featuring jewelry, leather goods and historic clothing. Silhouettes In Time, a history based performance group also calls The Moose Roost "home.”


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